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Biking with my kids on a Yuba Bike

Hey Guys! Just wanted to drop in one more time before Christmas. We've partnered up with Yuba Bikes to tell you ALL about the newest member of our family: The Sweet Cury Cargo Bike! We've managed to squeeze in three short bike rides in the days of 40 degree weather. The kids and I are SERIOUSLY bummed that spring is SO far away.

Flash Back

A few months ago, I was at the park with the kids and in rode this rockstar mom with 3 kids on her bike! I was blown away. I couldn't believe she had just ridden in, safely dismounted the bike, put up the kickstand and got each child out. (I've had a bad experience with a cargo bike in the past and it's left me a little anxious about cargo bikes.)

I was so intrigued I walked right over and asked the mom (Ada) all about her bike. Ada was so sweet and answered all of my crazy questions and even let me sit on her bike. (I didn't dare ride it.) After my brief interview I left excited. I talked about Yuba Bikes non stop for weeks.

Flash Forward

We've now ridden the bike three whole times and we seriously have nothing negative to say about it. Sure, there was a little bit of a learning curve, I mean, it is like a limousine bike. I've been happy about how easy our transition to our Yuba Sweet Curry Bike has been.

I was surprised by how easy it is to take on and off the additional parts, like the baby seat, the Mini Monkey Bars.

On our last ride, the kids and I were stopping at some of our favorite mini book neighborhood book nooks. I was a little anxious because we stopped on an incline and I was worried I wouldn't be able to get going again. I got on and guess what? We just WENT. I was super surprised by how easy getting up the incline was.

I decided to test out the bike on some of the steeper hills in the neighborhood. While hauling 70 extra pounds on the bike wasn't the easiest thing I've done, it was possible! We've ridden around with a bike trailer, but I always avoided the hills. (My babies are on the hefty side.) The Sweet Curry has lots of gears, so that definitely helped me get up the hills. I had even been to my spin class earlier that morning and ridden 17 miles, so I feel like almost anyone should be able to do it.

I do love the way the Sweet Curry bike is Orange. (Because duh.) It just sparkles in the sunlight.

I love the little bell too. The kids love asking for me to ring it!

We decided to get a few add-ons, because taking around 2-3 kids on a bike, one needs to be prepared.

Mini Soft Spot Padded Seat

We actually got two of the seats, so when the baby isn't on the bike, the kids can have some space between them.

Bread Basket

I'm glad Yuba suggested getting this basket, because when I've taken just the two kids for a ride, there isn't any cargo space. We've taken snacks on each ride and Aiko had to put everything in the Bread Basket for our "Picnics." I can't even imagine how awesome this will be when it's 60 degrees outside.

Yepp Maxi EasyFit

Baby V isn't quite big enough for the seat, plus I don't have a helmet for her, but that doesn't stop us from trying it stationary. (If you have any baby helmet suggestions, I'd love to hear them.) While Orion (3) fits in the Yepp Maxi, he kind of refuses too, because he thinks it's just for his baby sister. The few times that Orion has climbed into the Yepp, he's buckled himself in and can't get out. I find this a super positive, he can't get his tiny hands to open the buckles.

Bamboo SideBoards

These boards are perfect for tiny feets. I feel like it helps keep them grounded and they can't flail their legs around. Plus if they need to re-situtate themselves they can safely.

Mini Monkey Bars

These are SO SWEET. The bars break down into different sizes and grids so you can arrange them how you like. I feel like the kids are fairly safe in the bars, plus with their helmets, they can't really climb in and out. When the Stand Alone Kickstand is out, the kids have actually climbed in and out of the Monkey Bars. (Without their helmets on) I've found Orion multiple times on the bike between the Monkey Bars.

Stand Alone KickStand

Man, this thing is solid. The kids love to climb up and down the backseat of the bike like it's a jungle gym, so I'm glad we got the kickstand. There is a kickstand that comes with the bike, but you could tip the bike to one side.

We are SUPER excited for Spring to come and it can't come soon enough. We'll be posting a video in the New Year about our first ride and we're excited to show you how biking adventures are possible with kids! Be sure to be following along our social media accounts and visit!

Merry Christmas!


Ryan (not verified)

Thu, 04/12/2018 - 11:04

Hey there...thanks for posting this and hopefully you are still getting comment notifications. We are considering the Sweet Curry, but I'm concerned about size. How tall are you and do you have any issues with the geometry? how's the space between your heel and the bamboo sideboards at the back end of your pedal stroke? Thanks! -Ryan

Hey~ I'm only 5'1" which is why I chose the Sweet Curry so I could fit comfortably. I've never once hit my feet on the bamboo husband is 5'10" and he's never had an issue either. You can always call in if you have concerns or try out a shop that carries Yuba bikes! Good luck!

Paul (not verified)

Fri, 10/26/2018 - 08:07


Were you able to test ride one before taking it out? I am at the other end of the spectrum at 6'4" and would like to try one before committing.


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