Lava Hot Springs for FREE! We'll show you how.


We used our Get Out Pass to get into LAVA HOT SPRINGS for FREE! Let me show you how. Code SALT will get you the best discount on a GET OUT PASS, so you can do 100's of FREE things this year with your family!

The pass is worth almost $9,000 value! You can use it to got to Lagoon too! Which pays for itself alone.


Lava Deets

We stayed at Home Hotel/Motel. Its a historic building right next to the hot springs and has spring water pumped into the rooms! Enjoy the mineral water in a giant tub in your room

Dinner at Royal Pizza is tradition. Great portions and the Inn upstairs in haunted. Just sayin.

Hot springs are a must.

And if you want to be adventurous, go check out the natural hot springs in the river across the street. Directions HERE.

Happy adventuring fams! 

Helpful Tips

Code SALT will get you the best discount on a GET OUT PASS, so you can do 100's of FREE things this year with your family!

The pass is worth almost $9,000 value! You can use it to got to Lagoon too! Which pays for itself alone.

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