Saratoga Hot Springs | 12 Utah Staycations

The first time I heard about these hot springs was last Oct 2018. I was participating in the Questival Race and one of our challenges was to jump into a natural hot spring. It was late, dark, and FREEZING! We parked, changed into swimmers, ran down the path in the dark, had no idea what we were jumping into, stayed for a minute and then ran back to the car so we could compete another challenge.

I wasn't planning on visiting again in October, but this time we were equip with light so we could actually see what we were jumping into and an RV to warm up in!

There is a parking lot at this park. Park and take the trail next to the bathrooms.

It's a short walk to the hot springs. (less than 5 min.)

The path opens up to your left and there it is! Right next to Utah lake (which has red algae growing in it, so don't go swimming there).

There is a bench, but everything around the springs in muddy, so be prepared to get your feet dirty.

It's not very deep, thankfully, because we left floaters back at the RV. Berdee (5 years old) was able to swim around just fine and never went under.

The water was quite warm. It felt more like a hot tub. Definitely warmer than the Meadow Hot Springs.


The Salt Project
Entrance Fee(s)

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