The Crack | St. George
The Crack, The Red Crack, who knows what it is actually called, but it has definitely been around longer than it's most recent names. Before having kids, my husband and I went hiking ALL the time, even before we started dating. I felt like we hiked everywhere in Southern Utah, well, maybe my husband has since he's a local. So when I mentioned The Crack in St. George and he didn't know what it was...HOT DANG! I actually had been to The Crack in his beloved Red Rocks and he hadn't. 1 point for Harmony.
The actual crack is just a short walk from the dirt parking lot. Like a two minute walk through the red sand. Oh, how I love the red sands.
This is our best photo we have within The Crack, my camera was on the wrong setting and by then, we had already take the troups out.
This is the point of the crack where some decide they can crawl and squeeze themselves through to the top. I tried this when in college and was unsuccessful.
We took all the different generations in the family, Grandparents, kids, grandkids, the whole lot. If we had known beforehand we could have packed a lunch. There were picnic tables, bathrooms (soon to be finished) and some nice landscaping that had recently been done.
While this part is cool, it's just a small sample of how cool it is.
There are a few different ways to the top, one is climbing a bunch of stacked boulders as seen above. (Within The Crack.)
Feel the grandeur of the "boulders?" You can barely see my brother-in-law in the middle of the photo.
Or you can climb the stacked boulders outside The Crack. (Actually, we didn't have time to explore all the different ways, but I'm pretty sure there was another parking lot that may have been a little bit less crazy to climb with kids. Where you can stroll up a slight incline.)
The view from above The Crack is phenomenal. (I know the photo appears we are close to the edge of The Crack but we are like 15 feet away from it. I was way too scared to have a child near such crazy depths. Ain't no Michael Jackson's here.)
I wish we could have explored all day. Watching (more like hawking) over Aiko was super fun exasperating. Really though, there were kids of all ages climbing all over. That being said, watch your kids like a hawk, while standing next to them.

The weather was a little chilly, but eventually, you're sweating from all the exploring. Or it could be from toting my solid, tiny, two year old. Grandma was watching little brother at the base.

Derek's brother hike over to these miniature arches with his kids. I've got a soft spot for the Arches, any sized.
Oh, there's also another way up the rocks, which apparently was much easier than bouldering. My little 2 year old nephew ran up it like a champ.
St. George, we'll be back for you.
The Salt Project is going to be featuring some awesome Southern Utah spots soon!
Length: 0.03 miles
Difficulty: Kid Friendly
Estimated Hike Time: 15-30 Minutes (Or as long as you want.)
Trail Type: One Way
Elevation Low: 3,091 feet
Elevation High: 3,109 feet
Total Elevation Gain: 18 feet
Optimal Season: Mid Spring to Late Fall
Best Access Point: Saint George
Red Hills Pkwy, St George, UT
Red Hills Pkwy, St George, UT 84770's not actually part of this park per say. It's on the east side of the park and there is a loop with a small unofficial parking lot. That's where we parked and it's like 200 feet from there. I believe there is a new parking lot that you drive through to get to a dirt road.
Address please!!!
Address please!!!