Slot Canyon off of Burr Trail
We're continuing our tour of central-southern Utah. Is that how one even describes it? Or maybe Garfield County? Whenever I say I went to Boulder, people always ask if it's Colorado. I guess I didn't even know there was a town named Boulder in Utah either.
If you have a chance, drive through the Boulder Mountains. All of a sudden in you are in a green, forested area surrounded by dry desert far below you. Seriously, it was amazing.
Boulder is a cute little town with a few different diners and places to stay and eat. We didn't stay, but stopped to eat at Hell's Backbone Grill, where everything is home grown on their farm and delish. It was a little pricey, but since everything was farm fresh, it didn't bother me much! Apparently, Oprah's even been.
Anyway, after lunch we headed out to a Slot Canyon that's 11 miles off of the Burr Trail Road. I can't recall if it had a name, but it's an easy, kid friendly short hike.
I always say this, but I do miss my red rocks of southern Utah. It always makes me warm and fuzzy seeing all that beautiful iron mountains.
We basically let the kids run wild through the canyon.
It's maybe a fifteen minute walk total. The colors are crazy lovely, even in the middle of the day. I love the trees that grow out of the red sand somehow.

Be sure to drive down the Burr Trail a ways...the canyons are sooooooooo lovely.
- 11 miles outside of Boulder on the Burr
- No bathrooms by Slot Canyon, but there are some nearby at campsites a few miles before