Roadtrippin' | Southern Utah | Places to go or eat in Cedar City
Cedar City is all about the pioneers. My husband's family was one of the early settlers. Let's just say, they've been there a while. Cedar City really is one of my favorite places. Cedar City is known as the Festival City, and besides having all sorts of stuff to do in town, it's also so close to so MANY other amazing places. Zion National Park, Cedar Breaks, Old Iron Town, Pine Valley are just a few amazing places just an hour away. I love that you can go from the red rocks to the pine tree forest in minutes. We've got a few of our favorite places here that most people just drive by, without ever checking it out.
Frontier Homestead State Park | Cedar City
(All Ages)
Most of the local Cedar people go here once in their life, usually for a field trip.
We decided to break the cycle and actually visit it last summer. It was pretty cool. You could easily spend 2-3 hours there.
Coal Creek Canyon Trail | Cedar City
(All Ages)

3.4 Miles
This trail runs from Bicentennial Park, north and east past the city ball fields and Rotary Centennial Veterans Park, through East Canyon Park, and east up Cedar Canyon. It can be accessed from many points along the way. Along the way are some parks, a "crick" not "creek" that the kids can play in, a veteran's park and a whole bunch of other stops. It's a fun place to ride your bikes, picnic, roller blade or just walk along. To see our 2015 post, click here.
Alpine Pond Nature Trail | Cedar Breaks
(All Ages)
I know I posted about this before, but it's just SO good. Seriously, so pretty.

I believe we went in July, and it wasn't too hot as we were in the shade and again, the flowers were amazing.
Flannigan's Arch Hike | Cedar City
(All Ages)
You'll want to check the weather before hiking this guy, it's a pretty hike through the canyons, but flash flooding can happen. My sister, husband and I were seriously wondering if we were going to make it out one day while hiking. I've never seen such crazy rain.
You'll be hiking through the river, so make sure wear shoes for that. I've hiked this with my nephews. (Some were carried some walked.) You can actually hike to the top of the arch, but I wouldn't recommend little kids, as the trail is somewhat sketchy and cliff like. (Also, I'm not sure where the actual trailhead is, since the roads have been redone.)
Southern Utah University | Cedar City
(All Ages)
Cedar is a college town, that said, when school is in, it's a busy city. When I first came down to see campus for the first time, my mother and I got lost and could NOT find it. It's hilarious now to think about that...During the summer, it's a pretty quiet place, unless there is a festival going on. Be sure to check out the Library or if it's gymnastics time, go to one of their meets.
Utah Shakespeare Festival | Cedar City
(All Ages)
The Greenshow is a free show that happens before the paid shows. It's a favorite for kids because it's shorter and there are people selling different items walking around. Plus, it's funny. The Greenshow begins each Monday to Saturday at 7:10 p.m. from June 25 to September 5 on the green and the courtyard surrounding the Adams Shakespearean Theatre.
The actual Shakespeare plays are always fun to go to as well. You have three different Theatres, the Adams Shakespearean Theatre, which is shaped just like the old Globe Theatre, the Auditorium Theatre and Randall L. Jones Theatre. Check out their pricing and places here!
A few of our favorite places to eat in Cedar City. (Not sponsored, these are really some of the favorites!)
Brick House Cafe | Pastry Pub | Pizza Cart | Hermies | Soda line | Tiki Shack | Central Pizza | Fatty's BBQ | Don Miguel's (Harmony's Favorite ) | Rusty's Ranch House (Try the coconut Shrimp) | Boondocks Grill | Bard's (Chips with Malt Vinegar) | Main Street Grill (Breakfast!) | Brad's Food Hut | Garden House (Soups) | Bulloch Drug (Drinks) | Market Grill
Be sure to enter our Giveaway from our last post. Plus, check back tomorrow for some of our favorite hikes in Southern Utah!