Paris Springs Hike at Paris Springs Campground | 12 Utah Staycations
After eating a delicous Picnic at the Paris Tabernacle, we set our sights upon Paris Springs! Stephanie had visited Paris Springs years ago and said she thought they were hot Springs. You know The Salt Project loves Hot Springs! Come to find out, they aren't HOT at all! Haha.
Either way, it's a beautiful place to visit. Paris Springs is actually located inside of Paris Springs Campground in Idaho.
The kids are always looking for some kind of wildlife and this time we found a snake!
Driving through the campground we noticed multiple birdhouses, they looked handmade too.
The Paris Spring hike is a short walk located on the very farthest camp spot. There is just a tiny sign indicating the trailhead. (Photos above.)
After a few minutes you'll find yourself at a Y and you can follow the bridge across the water or keep on following the trail.
The kids spied a robin egg, so of course we had to document it.
It's not a long walk at all to the (not hot) springs! What I didn't expect was that the spring literally came out of the mountain.
With all the rain and snow lately, the water was raging!
We hung out for a while, jumping rocks and even slipping in the water but everyone had fun!
We really wanted to visit the Ice Caves nearby but the road was completley covered with snow about 2/3 way in. Next time!
Have you been to Paris Springs before? Have you camped there? We'd love to know what you think! #TheSaltProject on your adventures!
- It is a campground and the hike is on the farthest point from the main entrance. There is also a sign pointing the way.
- There are bathrooms for the campers.
- You can pay to use it for Day Use/Camping
- It's a beautiful area. River running by many of the campspots.