Lake Powell With Kids
Lake Powell is amazing. Lake Powell with kids is amazing and entertaining. Lets face it, you go on a vacation without the kids and all you can think about is how much fun they would be having if you had brought them, or everything you do and see, you're think about how much the kids would love to see it or be doing it too. We've all been there. Now I'm not saying to never leave the kids home, I'm just saying that traveling with kids, seeing the world through their eyes is pretty amazing and I never regret bringing them along.
Dan's cousin has a house boat in Lake Powell and invited us to join them on a little trip over the last part of July/first of August. My first reactions was YES! Every New Year Day we write goals for the year, going to Lake Powell just happened to be one of my goals. I hadn't been since college and I knew the kids would love it. I didn't know anyone with a houseboat so I didn't know how it would happen, but if you don't write things down and work toward them then things just don't happen. Plain and simple. Well, I didn't even know Dan's cousin had a house boat, and getting a call out of the blue to be invited had me over the top with excitement.
After confirming our attendance for the trip, I realized the dates. Basically the hottest time of year. I'm a ginger! What was I thinking! But hey, if you're not a "boat person" and you get invited to go on a boat, you GO. Period. So we went. Yes, it was bloody hot! Yes, I wanted to climb inside the cooler when no one was looking. But I survived and ended up having a BLAST! We are so glad we took the oldest kids (9 & 11) and the best decision we made was to leave the littles (5 & 2) at home with family. Kids are fun on vacation, but babies and deep black water don't mix in my book. I knew I wouldn't have fun if I was constantly keeping a watchful eye on little people.
We almost didn't bring any kids and I am SO glad we decided against it. Locke and Breckyn had SO much fun and Dan and I got some much needed bonding time with each of them. So when you are planning a trip, weigh your options, decided if the kids would even like the trip, and then move forward.
My favorite shot of the trip. That contrast...
Lizard hunting.
We played lots of games. Here is a list of things you HAVE TO HAVE IN LAKE POWELL.
This was a little cliff diving, the REAL cliffs were all shot with my go pro and honestly, they turned out awful! I don't know what happened but I was really disappointed with the pictures and video.
We were tucked deep inside a canyon and had shade the entire day! How amazing is that? The pictures I took all looked a little moody, but I loved how they turned out.
We rented our paddle boards from Green Adventure Sports in Davis County. They are so good to work with. They have a huge inventory of rentals and they all come with a life jacket and paddles. Rentals start at $10 per day. (Mention The Salt Project and get 10% off any rental! Good through the end of the 2016 season).
This is Bull Frog Marina. It's big and hot. No shade, so be prepared if you have littles or a ginger in your group. They will need extra shade and water.
In ending, I kind of feel like there should be a sign that says "Gingers Beware." My people come from the overcast misty hills of Scotland. So being in the 110 degree desert heat nearly killed me. I kid you not. I just gave up helping unload/load all our stuff in the end. I guess I overheat easily so I opted to sit in the car with AC blasting, squirting myself with ice water, trying to regain my fine motor skills, and stop slurring my words. I kinda feel like a wimp when it comes to extreme temps, but after talking with Harmony (she is half Asian) she said she feels the same way about the heat. I'm sure she hates it as much as I do, but I'm pretty sure I can guarantee that the heat hates me as much as I hate it, and she can't claim that. Sorry Harm, but it's true.
Will I go to Powell again? YES, if I get invited back (wink wink). But I think I'll use my "get out the heat free" card and let everyone else do the grunt work while I chew on ice chips and dream of snow.
Will I take my kids again. YES! YES! YES! I think they loved it more than I did. They will definitely be coming again.
Mention The Salt Project and get 10% off any rental! Good through the end of the 2016 season