Free Water Test for UTAH residents
FREE Water Test
I signed up to get the FREE WATER TEST from Nuwater and I was absolutely shocked at the results. I knew we hard water, I can see it on the faucets that I can never seem to clean perfectly. I can feel it because my skin is SO dry and my hair feels like I have build up from all the minerals. My kids have eczema. And honestly, the outside of our fridge filter is so bad, I can't imagine what the inside looks like. Turns out we were harder than the average Utah home and Utah has some of the hardest water in the country! But the part that shocked me were the high levels of chemicals!
I've always hated drinking water. I think it tastes gross. Well, turns out I was just drinking gross water lol.
I've also had to increase my water intake since donating a kidney a year and half ago. When I realized what was in our tap water, I knew I had to make a change. But first I needed to do some research. I thanked NuWater for their time and closed the door and opened my computer. Down the tap water hole I went. For a few months I research what was in our water and what affect it has on our health.
I always thought tap water was healthy. They wouldn't give it to use otherwise right? BOY WAS I NAIVE! As long as the chemicals are below and certain level, they are deemed safe to drink! I seriously can't believe I drank tap water for 43 years. Well no more. My kids wouldn't stop begging for the softener for their skin, and said they wanted bottled water or a filter. And I couldn't imagine drinking from the tap again. Don't google it. It will ruin you. Just live in your naive happy place.
This is what our pipes look like, and this is what we had been drinking!
So after a couple months of research and comparing different water softeners and filters, I called NuWater back and set up an install date!
We had a softener and filter installed the following week!
Here is the before shot, with our water heater.

This is the softener/filter. It's SO nice looking! Slim, small, and clean. It fit perfectly in the space we had available. We couldn't have put the salt tank here as well, but I didn't want to haul salt downstairs, so we opted for putting it in the closet on the main floor.
The salt tank is super small, holds about 3 bags of salt, and you only have to add more a few times a year. It uses much less salt than other tanks.
Scheudule your FREE water test.mp4
Puronics Water System vs a basic water softener from Home Depot
Eliminate hard water build up in your home
Clean, Healthy, Better Tasting Water
Smart Space Saving Technology = High Efficiency
Best Solutions for Utah’s Water Conditions
Uses a 3rd of the salt as normal softeners
Salt tank doesn't have to be next to the water heater, You can put in your garage or other places
You can take it with you when you move
2 Million Gallon Guarantee*
And they are generously offering my followers a discount on any system. Just mention The Salt Project
Our Experience
Brad was so kind and knowlegable. He listened to my list of needs and concerns and help find the right solution for our family. Our installer was on time, so great with my kids and dog, and helped me decided where to place the salt bucket (we chose by the heater on the main level so I don't have to haul salt bags to the basement).
We decided on the Puronic Water System Water Softener & Whole home Purification so
Why we Chose NuWater
Saves time, money, and improves the quality of your health.
Smart Technology: High Efficiency and Lower Cost over time.
Skin and hair are softer, food tastes better, less cleaning, no soap scum.
Save money, soaps last 75% longer.
Appliances perform better and last 37% longer.
Better that bottled water from every tap!
And its Certified 2.6 Million Gallons. Mention Salt Project for a discount on any system.
If your family members are suffering from gastrointestinal issues, it’s possible it could be traced back to the bacteria or chemicals in your water quality. Dry skin and chronic eczema could also be caused by sediment in your water supply. Improving water quality can improve health.
Schedule your FREE water test HERE.