Art Nord Hiking Trail at Snowbasin Resort | Salt Project Hike Meet-Up

A few weeks ago we had a Hike Meet-Up with Tim from This is Ogden! We hiked the Art Nord Trail, a family-friendly hike just off of the old Snowbasin Road. Be sure to check out the trail maps and tips below. Thanks to all of you that came! 

We had quite a group. We had families, people who just happened to see our FB Hike Event and were visiting the state, people of all ages and skill levels. It was really fun to get together with a group that we might not have otherwise met. The Art Nord Trailhead starts just off the parking lot, so there was plenty of room to gather. 

Be sure to stop by the Art Nord plaque and check him out! 

We were originally going to hike up from Wheeler Creek, but there's been construction and the trail is currently closed. 

It was one of our first chilly days and the leaves were just barely starting to change. 

It's a .9 mile hike down to this point from the parking lot. 

We gathered on the bridge to take a photo.

Tim made things super fun by giving out This is Ogden gear if you answered the question right! We're going to have to keep this tradition going! 

After a short rest half the group continued on the Icebox trail (which loops back around to the beginning of the Ard Nord Trail.) While those of us with smaller kids ended up going back the way we came. 

Entrance Fee(s)
Helpful Tips

This first map is the trail we all went on. 

The second map is the rest of the trail that the other half continued on. 


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