ADA Park | Chloe's Sunshine Playground | Iceberg Drive Inn | Adventurin' | Grubbin'
We don't make it so Syracuse very often and this park has been on my list of places to visit for awhile so I thought we could just swing by real quick since we were just down the street. The kids were reluctant, everyone was hungry and it was hot. Just 5 minutes, I tell them as we jump out of the car, half of us without shoes.
The entrance to the park is wheelchair/stroller friendly and leads up to the top levels where kids with special needs can easily access the slides. In fact, the entire park is special need friendly, no sand, no wood chips, all wheelchair/stroller access. Best invention ever! My niece has special needs and after visiting this place, I can't wait to take her here to explore. She'll be in heaven!
The library is next door to this park and they have their own playground next door.
Immediately, my kids(1-10yrs) started to play and climb and explore.
They had to test out every part of the park.
These trees were favorites for sure.
The slide is made of rollers, so its not to fast.
Swings for big kids and littles too!
Another favorite. Climbing the arches.
A music area.
My kids gave it 10 out of 10. I gave it 10 our of 10. Not only was it super fun and unique, but the entire park is surrounded by a 10 foot barbed wire fence, ok, I'm kidding, but it does have a fence. There were several moms sitting outside the park by the entrance in the shade, not a worry in the world, just watching the kids play and knowing that there wasn't a chance of one running off or a creeper snatching them. This park is the best, park I've ever seen. I don't know why more parks don't have a fence. Its so hard keeping track of 4 kids at once, especially toddlers, they are so small and can disappear in a heart beat. Believe me, I've been to many park dates where we were on high alert in search of a kid or two.
After the park the kids were straight up starving! I spotted IceBerg across the street and made a B-line. We had never been but you can't go wrong with a burger and shakes, am I right!
The service was fast and friendly. The portions were huge, the food was delicious.
I spy fry sauce! Thank you Utah!
Corn dogs also double as a microphone.
I ordered small shakes. hmmm, maybe they only have one size, they were HUGE!
Mention "The Salt Project" and IceBerg will hook you up with 15% off your order. Thanks IceBerg!
No bathrooms, but the library is next door.
Also didn't see drinking fountains, but the library can help you with that too
Shade is limited, sunscreen, always sunscreen
I didn't see a sign for no pets, but i'm assuming no
Pack a camping chair. Seating is limited.